Hotel FM perustettiin huhtikuussa 2005. Yhtyeen tämänhetkiseen kokoonpanoon kuuluvat laulaja David Bryan, pianisti Gabriel Băruţa ja rumpali Alex Szus. Laulaja David Bryan on kotoisin Newton Aycliffesta, Koillis-Englannista ja on Hotel ...
From the USA, the NF Convention attracts personalities such as John Maatta, General Counsel and Chief Operating Officer for the CW television network; Award-winning Screenwriter and author, Segun Oyekunle, President and CEO of Arufa ...
Cyberfocus's Managnig Director Risto Seilola saids that Waresto's services appeared to be an efficient solution: ?Waresto's cost-efficient web-hotel combined with a personal service in Finnish provided a comphrensive solution required ...